

Every now and then my family gathers for some quality time online at despair.com. I don't know exactly what makes this website so hilarious, but it might have something to do with irony + inspirational posters. Sometimes when we all surround the computer and take turns awkwardly saying aloud phrases that were funnier read silently, I think about the people I know who would get a kick out of this. Congratulations: you're one of them.

This week's two posters are dedicated to my brother Nate (who dreamed of hanging the first one below the results screen at BYU's testing center) and my own need to laugh cynically at my dating life right now.

[Warning: Never read these when actually feeling despair.]


Laura Valaas said...

Natalie, I do adore you. Thanks for procrastinating :)

Nate said...

There is something about autumn that brings me back to despair.com. Hmm… never mind I think it really is about anytime of the year. Thanks for the shout-out!

Noelle said...

Those are awesome! Thanks for sharing. :)